Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is an immigration policy that allows individuals who have entered the United States as minors (either entered or remained in the country illegally) the opportunity to remain in the United States. Those enrolled in the DACA program received a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and were eligible for a work permit. Currently, there are approximately 800,000 individuals enrolled in the DACA program.

Recently, on September 5, 2017, the Trump Administration rescinded the program. Due to the recession, individuals who have not submitted an application for an initial request under DACA may no longer apply. Current DACA recipients must re-apply for their renewal no later than October 5, 2017.

If you are a currently enrolled in the DACA program and need assistance in renewing your application, please contact our office to schedule a meeting. We will complete forms I-821D, I-765 and I-765 WS (Worksheet) before the October 5, 2017 deadline. Form I-821D is used to reapply for renewal of the application into the DACA program. This form specifies all of the applicant’s personal information, including any address or name changes. Form I-765 (Application for Employment Authorization) is mandatory and must be filed with the I-821D. Form I-765 allows the individual to renew their work permit. The filing cost for Form I-756 is $380.00. Form I-765 WS (Worksheet) accompanies form I-765 and specifies the individual’s income and financial information.

If you need assistance in renewing your application, we will ask that you provide your Alien Registration Number, Social Security Number, Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate (if applicable). If you have left the United States after being enrolled in the DACA program, you will also be asked to provide evidence of your advanced parole. In order to expedite the filing the process, we may also ask that you provide your prior DACA application, most recent work permit, 2 passport sized pictures and records of any address changes. It is important that these forms are properly completed and timely filed, as the denial of an application by the USCIS is discretionary.

Please contact our office if you have any questions or need assistance with your renewal application. We can be contacted at (201) 880-9374. We are also available by email at